In 2021, HB 2032 was introduced in Washington state. HB 2032 is a bill tailored specifically to prevent the monetization of children online.

HB 2032 states that family vlogging accounts that generate revenue equal to or greater than $0.10 per view from their account and at least 30% of the vlogger’s content produced within a 30-day period that features their kids must set aside a certain percentage of the money generated from those videos for the children featured in escrow. The bill requires both thresholds to be met to ensure that smaller, nonmonetized family accounts or accounts that only occasionally feature children will not be subject to this legislation. The bill also protects minors’ privacy by allowing them to request the deletion of a video they are in once they reach the age of majority.

HB 2032 was created through the efforts of Chris McCarty, a local activist and student and the founder of Quit Clicking Kids, an advocacy and education platform to combat the monetization of children on social media. McCarty worked with former Representative Emily Wicks to introduce the bill. Following Representative Wicks’s retirement, HB 2032 was re-introduced as HB 1627 by WA State Representative Kristine Reeves with no subsequent language changes. 

To learn more about Quit Clicking Kids and their work on this legislation, please visit the Quit Clicking Kids website.